Media Entry: The Media entrance to Ottawa Stadium is located at the main gate (facing the Marriott hotel) of the building. The Press Box is located on the third level of the stadium between the restaurant and the suites. It can be accessed by elevator or stairs, through the doors beside Titans Team Store. Seating in the Press Box is available for working members of the media and preferred seating will be reserved for media members who cover the team most frequently. Guests are not permitted in the Press Box unless permission has been granted by the Ottawa Titans’ Front Office. Media parking is available in the main lot. Media will be allowed into the ballpark no more than three hours prior to first pitch and must exit the ballpark no later than 90 minutes following the conclusion of any postgame interviews.
Media Credentials: Members of the media can request a full-season or daily credential by submitting the credential request form online at and below on this page. Media requests can also be submitted by emailing Davide Disipio (Manager, Media Relations & Broadcast) at Daily credentials must be requested no later than 24 hours prior to first pitch of the game in question. Credential requests will be reviewed and issued based on available space and scheduling, and at the discretion of the Ottawa Titans Media Relations Department. Press Box access will only be granted to credentialed personnel. Media credentials are not transferrable. While within Ottawa Stadium, credentialed personnel are subject to the policies, procedures, directions and/or supervision of the Ottawa Titans, the Frontier League and/or the ballpark owner/operator or their designated agents, including, without limitation, policies and protocols regarding security, bags, and health and safety. By receiving a media credential, a media member agrees to observe all Frontier League and Club rules; any applicable government orders in a local market; and other precautionary steps that are in place to preserve health and safety. Failure to comply with any health and safety initiatives will result in a revocation of credential. Media credentials do not act as a piece of admission.
Other Acceptable Credentials: The Ottawa Titans will also honour credentials from the Frontier League or Major League Baseball or MiLB clubs. Media members and/or scouts with these credentials must notify the Ottawa Titans with the date(s) of their coverage no later than 24 hours before first pitch to allow for proper spacing in the Press Box and other areas of the facility.
Credential Pickup: Members of the media that have been issued a credential for that day’s game will be notified and can pick up their credential from the administration office at Ottawa Stadium located to the left of the main gate upon arrival to the ballpark for the credentialed game. Those granted a full-season credential can pick up their credential prior to any scheduled home game.
Game Day Documents: Media members can access daily game notes, rosters, stat packs in the Press Box. Please contact Davide Disipio with any questions or issues. Media members which wish to be included in daily email communication of press releases can request to be added to the Titans’ media list.
Restricted Areas: Credentialed media members will not be permitted in Restricted Areas as designated by the Ottawa Titans. Any areas impacted by this will be explained to you upon arrival at the stadium.
Photographers and Videographers: Credentialed photographers and videographers will have access to dugout camera wells on the first and third base side of Ottawa Stadium. There will be no on-field access during play for non-Titans' staff members. Media members with a credential for photography or videography are granted a non-exclusive and non-transferable license to take photographs of Titans events for use in connection with news coverage of Titans events by credentialed entity.
Interview Policy and Availability: The Ottawa Titans’ clubhouse is closed to the media from the start of batting practice until the conclusion of the game. Within 15 minutes of the conclusion of the game, the clubhouse’s interview room will be open to the media. On days in which a doubleheader is scheduled, the clubhouse is closed to the media between games. The training room inside of the clubhouse is always closed to the media. In the event of a team meeting, the clubhouse is closed to the media until meeting is concluded. For day games, the clubhouse will only be open after the game itself is completed. The Ottawa Titans’ clubhouse is located at field level on the third base side. Manager Bobby Brown and player post-game media session takes place in the interview room in the Titans’ clubhouse approximately 15 minutes following each game. Player interviews will be arranged at the media’s request. Interviews may be conducted in the interview room of the Titans’ clubhouse prior to batting practice, or on the field after batting practice. No interviews are to be conducted following batting practice. In-depth interviews requiring additional time must be arranged through the Titans’ Media Department. The Ottawa Titans’ starting pitcher is not available for pre-game interviews on their scheduled start day.
Social Media/Live Streaming: In accordance with Frontier League rules, unauthorized live streaming of in-game action via social media or any other platform is prohibited.
Autographs: The use of the credential for the purpose of obtaining autographs is strictly prohibited. Seeking or obtaining autographs from any player, personnel, public figure or other individual within or adjacent to the ballpark shall subject the bearer of said credential to the immediate and permanent revocation of their credential.
For the latest team news, please click here.
To stay up to date on scores, please click here.
All policies and guidelines are subject to change at the discretion of the Ottawa Titans and the Frontier League.
For any immediate questions or media needs, please contact the Ottawa Titans Media Relations Department.
F: 343-633-2274
Mon - Fri 9:00 am - 5:00 pm
Sat - Sun Closed
Open Noon-5 pm on Game Day Sat
Open 10 am-Noon on Game Day Sun
Mon - Fri 9:00 am - 5:00 pm
Sat - Sun Closed
Open Noon-5 pm on Game Day Sat
Open 10 am-1 pm on Game Day Sun is available 24/7.
Mon - Fri 9:00 am - 5:00 pm
Sat - Sun Closed
Open 9 am-8 pm on Game Day Mon-Fri
Open Noon-7:30 pm on Game Day Sat
Open 10 am-2:30 pm on Game Day Sun
Ottawa Stadium is located on the original territories of the Algonquin and Anishinaabe peoples.
Gates open 1 hour before game time.
| All Rights Reserved | Ottawa Titans Baseball Club Inc.