Birthday Parties

Make your birthday party unforgettable...

Celebrate it with the Titans!

Presented by Lois 'N Frimas and Pudgyboy's Mini Donuts, make your birthday party unforgettable!

Select a game you’d like to attend and invite your guests… we’ll do the rest.
(Starting at $26/person 
plus tax — minimum 10 people — kids and adults — required).

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Parties are hosted in our spacious indoor Birthday Room and begin one hour before the game.

*Due to a volume of requests, this may become a shared space with other parties.

Everyone in your party receives:

  • On-Deck game ticket
  • Hot dog, a bag of chips, and a drink (bottled soft drink or water)
  • Yummy cupcake for the birthday child
  • Pudgyboy’s Mini Donuts (for the kids only)

The Guest of Honour also receives:

  • Group photo with Cappy
  • Happy Birthday announcement during the game
  • Reserve your date along with full payment at least 7 days in advance. Dates are subject to availability.

Arrange your Birthday Party with the Titans group event planners at 343-633-2273.

We’ll reserve your event and arrange your 30% non-refundable deposit.

Note: Final numbers for food must be submitted 48 hours prior to the birthday date. Anything added after this will not be guaranteed food.

Any food restrictions, allergies, or inquiries can be directed to

Please direct any questions regarding tickets to

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