Anthem Singers and Performance Acts

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A quality rendition of the Star-Spangled Banner and O Canada has always been a mainstay of the pre-game ceremonies at the ballpark. The Ottawa Titans are actively searching for new individuals or groups to join our roster of talented performers.


How to audition?

All interested anthem performers may submit an audio or video recording of both the American and Canadian national anthems, performed a cappella, and one after another to for consideration.

Please include your name, age, past anthem singing experience, and if a group, the number of individuals in the ensemble. If submitting an audio file, please include a photo.


Bilingual lyrics to O Canada as sung at Ottawa Stadium:

O Canada! Our home and native land!
True patriot love in all of us command,

Car ton bras sait porter l'épée,
Il sait porter la croix!

Ton histoire est une épopée
Des plus brillants exploits,

God keep our land glorious and free!
O Canada, we stand on guard for thee.

O Canada, we stand on guard for thee.

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